Once it is installed, run and open Bluestacks.Once you download that, run it and install the application by following the on-screen prompts.Get the installer from the Bluestacks website. The first step will be installing Bluestacks on our Windows PC.

Although the emulator’s primary focus was playing games, we will be using it to run the Snapseed app on our Windows PC. It supports the latest Android versions and does not lag or consume too much memory. You can use Bluestacks to run Android apps and games on your computer. Download Snapseed on PC using Bluestacksīluestacks is by far the most popular Android emulator that exists for both Mac and Windows.

The most common as well as an easy way to get Snapseed for your PC is through an Emulator. Android Emulators are simple and easy to use and serve all the functionality you want for an app on your PC.