3- When the green light stops blinking on the power button, it means that the color system has been secure. 4- Take out a print to check the color reproduction. Our success is the Forest Positive impact we’ve made on the planet, thanks to over 100 million users at over 70,000 organizations around the world who have saved billions of pages. At PaperCut we don’t measure our success by profits and business metrics. When printing a label, select your printer and ensure pop-ups are not blocked. If you have the correct version of Java, clear your browser’s temporary internet files and try again. HP Customer Support Software And Driver Downloads If you have any questions, please leave a comment in the section below. We recommend you use Advanced Driver Updater to keep all the drivers up to date. Try these methods to update your Epson I130 printer driver. This is how you can download and update outdated drivers via Advanced Driver Updater. Today, our drivers are so trusted that many printer manufacturers provide them in the box with their printers. Tap ADD button to register a printer using your Android or iOS device. Fixed slow UI operation when using VPN connected printer. Minimized the frequency of displaying the splwow64 thunking spooler message during printer installation. Installation of 32bit driver for sharing printer on 64bit OS has failed.